If the binning page shows a legend that has too many boxes, or the stats on for gc or coverage or sequence length are missing, the cache is likley stale.
Fix with this…
p = Project.find 'slug' p.contigs.select("id").find_in_batches do |batch| BatchTaxonomyStats.perform_async("update", batch.first.id, batch.last.id, "scope_type" => "Project", "scope_id" => p.id) end
# when sidekiq jobs are done…
## note this could also be done for individual organisms
# NOTE: Occasionally this doesn’t fix the problem and running for the organism specifically is required! Remember to change “scope_type” on the BatchTaxonomyStats line
o.contigs.select("id").find_in_batches do |batch| BatchTaxonomyStats.perform_async("update", batch.first.id, batch.last.id, "scope_type" => "Organism", "scope_id" => o.id) end o.invalidate_cached_contigs