April 14, 2016 – Conference call

Backend update

Seth: Set up the local server and started to measure the system slowdown.

Genome summary

Kai: Demonstrates the genome summary visualization. Parallel coordinates for filtering.

Brian: Connect to the Kegg pathway map to drill down to the presence and gaps of genes.

ACTION ITEM: Provide them color assignments/palette for taxonomic information. Need to point them to the database.

ACTION ITEM: Metadata for the lists, such as taxonomic information and other types of information

Onsite visit

Emily: Stamen needs to have internal meeting to set the time.

Zan: Thinks that it will be useful.

Brian: Has lined up 5 researchers in Berkeley.

Emily: 4/19, Tuesday, 10-12 or 4/21, Thursday, 10-12? Need to nail down the time.

Gene analysis tools

Kai: Asks for a list of tools that are popular in the lab for doing genes analysis

Brian: Circos, Geneious, Excel

Interacting with large dataset

Brian: A larger question – How best to visualize the large amount of data in tabular format.

Kai: Seth will check out the performance

Zan: It depends on the goals. Use less space to show more information in a meaningful way.

Kai: Workflow is challenging. Needs a UI workflow.

Seth: What’s the important thing to get out of it? Importance of the numbers? etc…


Brian: How to add more lists????