Development server setup
Lead: Seth
Development server: It’s all set up by haven’t played with it yet
Data model: Seth wants to figure this out on his own, but Brian encourages him to ask questions
Instrumentation: Not yet done
Genome summary
Lead: Kai and Zan
Current problem
- Significant slow down around 100 rows
- Rendering the graph in Canvas instead of SVG because it can scale up to 500 (genomes) x 500 (lists)
- To meet the requirement of being able to download the image in SVG:
- Transition between Canvas and SVG depending on the scale
- UI with Canvas but with ability to download SVG (probably the better option)
- Interaction design and user interface can improve by adding filters
– Working on a higher data density to show large graph
ACTION: BRIAN will send an example from Jill to Kai
ACTION: SHUFEI/BRIAN finds a published dataset and give them a new dump
3 areas of improvement
- Maintain the chart, work on elements within the chart, such as color, size, etc.
- Maintain the chart, work on elements outside of the chart, such as filtering tools
- Restructure the whole visualization.
They asked a number of questions about the significance of the numbers and how to interpret them in order to design visualizations.
Capturing feedback
- Want to have the ability to show to the scientists and how they are using the tool
- Be able to sit with them
- Figure out a live app testing
ACTION: EMILY will schedule an onsite ethnographical studies